Thursday, 10 August 2017

Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering Technology and Management has organized A day long workshop on NETWORK COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ‘under the CSESA Student Forum on 09 August 2017. The program was organized under the guidance of Dr.S.M.Kelo Principal of NIETM and Dr.M.K.Rahangdale vice Principal of NIETM.
This workshop was conducted by Er. Prabuddha Sanyal, System cum Network Engineer ITNetworkZ, Nagpur. The programme comprises two separate sessions on Network System and Network Security. Maximum numbers of students took benefit from this workshop.
            In this programme All teaching faculties and supporting staff were present. Prof.P.Raut HOD, Prof.P.Gumgaonkar took effort for making successful the workshop.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Excellence Awards by Brand Academy, New Delhi & organised by Mediaz group at 5 star Orchid Hotel, Mumbai in recognition of significant contribution made by Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering, Technology & Management as Fast Emerging Private Engineering College in Nagpur on 5.6.2016.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering Technology and Management Celebrated Digital India Week Program

Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering Technology and Management had celebrated Digital India Week Program with the view to propagate Digital India concept. Digital India is an ambitious program of the Government of India with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society. The focus areas are:  creation of a countrywide digital infrastructure as a utility for every citizen, ensuring governance and services on demand   and digital empowerment of citizens. Engineer Dheeraj  Bhagat had focus on idea behind digital India, current scenario of India, future of India and given more intension on job for IT. Dr. S. M. Kelo Principal, Dr. M. K. Rahangdale Vice-principal and Management extended their support and cooperation to make the program grand success.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

The campus placement drive selected list

The campus placement drive selected list: Ten final year students of Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering, Technology Management ,have been selected in the campus placement drive selected list.

The campus placement drive

The campus placement drive: Ten final year students of Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering, Technology Management ,have been selected in the campus placement drive.