Saturday, 24 January 2015

Students Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering

Students Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering

Nagarjuna Institute / collage nagpur

Nagarjuna Institute / collage nagpur

About the Nagarjuna Institute

About the Nagarjuna Institute 

Nagarjuna Institute

Nagarjuna Institute

Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering Technology Students

Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering Technology Students

Future Plans NIETM

Future Plans 

Faculty at NIETM

Faculty at NIETM

Training & Placements | NIETM

Training & Placements | NIETM

Courses offered at NIETM

Courses offered at NIETM

Students Activities | NIETM

Students Activities | NIETM

Future Plans | NIETM

Future Plans | NIETM

Training & Placements | NIETM

Training & Placements | NIETM

Training & Placements | NIETM

Students Activities | NIETM

Students Activities | NIETM

Students Activities | NIETM

Informantion for Diploma Holderds

Nagarjuna Institute Admission

For admission to First year B.E. courses :
• The candidate must have secured at least 120 marks in PCM Group for SC/ST/NT/SBC/OBC candidates.
• The candidate must have secured at least 135 marks in PCM Group for OPEN candidates.


For admission to second year B.E. courses :

• The candidate must have secured at least 45% in Diploma for SC/ST/VJ/NT/SBC/OBC candidates in relevant branch.
• The candidate must have secured at least 50% in Diploma for OPEN candidates in relevant branch
Attested true copies of documents to be attached along with Application Form
  1. S.S.C. (Std.X) mark sheet.
  2. H.S.S.C. (Std. XII) mark sheet.
  3. School leaving certificate after passing H.S.C. (Std. XII).
  4. AIEEE-2009 / MHT-CET-2009 Score Card.
  5. Certificate of the Indian Nationality of the candidate.
  6. Domicile certificate of candidate or of father/mother/husband of candidate indicating that he/she is domiciled in the State of Maharashtra.
  7. Caste Certificate, if applicable.
  8. Caste/Tribe validity Certificate, if applicable.
  9. Non Creamy Layer Certificate, if applicable.
  10. Eligibility certificate from concerned University Certificate.
  11. Gap Certificate, if applicable.

1) Prof. M.K.Rahangdale M. 9049472992

Nagarjuna Institute Mission Vision


x    "To develop a knowledge based society with clarity of thought. Come forward to learn, go forth to serve and excel."

About Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering

Society and Advisory Committee:

Mai trey Educational Society clearly identifies the gap between the engineering professionals being produced by educational institutions and the professionals required by the industry. It is the Society's endeavor to produce industry specific professionals by exposing all our students to rigorous industrial experience. Maitrey Educational Society is committed to the highest ethical standards in education and professional careers and services